By: Linda Mallard, owner TWC
Pilates will help you stand taller, trim your waistline and increase your metabolism. Metabolism is not only affected by our muscle tissue, but also our flexibility.
By: Linda Mallard
Owner TWC, Certified Pilates Instructor, Healthy Back Instructor, BCRPA, CMTA
Many people find gardening to be not only relaxing and personally fulfilling, but healing as well. But if back...
By: Linda Mallard, Owner of the Tsawwassen Wellness Centre
80% of the population experiences back pain. While there are a multitude of things that can cause back pain, from genetic malformations to injury, a number of studies show that a lack of core strength contributes to pain and stiffness in the lower back.
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I meet with new clients weekly to discuss how our programs can help them achieve their goals. Once we clearly establish their goals, we then look at how they can go ahead to achieve them. I often take a two-tiered approach. One is to create lasting change. Change is hard enough, that when we put the effort in, we want it to last. The second is to create results fast enough that clients stay motivated to keep going.

Lasting change comes from working on one thing at a time until it feels easy. Perhaps it’s drinking more water (ie: drink water instead of pop). Or, perhaps it’s creating more active movement into your day. For change to be lasting, taking it one step at a time will create more success for you.
The second part is creating a program that will get you results in a timely manner so you feel motivated enough...
I’m back from holidays. What a great time. We went to Peurta Vallarta. Started at an All-inclusive for 3 days and then off to my friends time-share for a week. We ate, slept, played and rejuvinated. One day at the beach, a lady came up to me and commented on what a beautiful family I had. She noticed how well they were getting along and playing together. I graciously thanked her, but I was quietly thinking she’d see a whole different side of things at home. Time away is when you connect as a family. You...
This week is part 5 of our series on the principles of life. They are …. breath, water, nutrition, exercise, life balance (stress managment). Great health requires attention to each of these elements on a daily basis.
Life balance or stress management is just as important a part of our health as any of the others. Like so many of you, I work hard, very hard. Running a business, raising 3 active children, nurturing a healthy marriage and maintaining my health is an incredible balancing act. Sometimes, the scale tips too far in one direction. This is life, but as long as you have the systems in place to firstly recognize this and then second, to make sure it doesn’t stay there for too long, you can maintain an overall balance in your life.
I love...
The 5 principles of life - breath, water, nutrition, exercise, life balance.
Part 4 of 5, is about EXERCISE. The brutal truth is that we can’t store fitness. Our bodies are built to move, and when we don’t it rewards us with heart disease, osteoporosis, low energy, poor sex drive, poor mood or depression. Our body only does what we ask of it and what we give it. Those aches and pains? The fatigue? All signs that your body wants and needs to move.
All you need to do is google “benefits of exercise” and you will find a thousand reasons why you must move. Exercise will:
- increase your energy
- keep your ticker, well ticking!
- decrease blood pressure...
Today is part 3 of the 5 principles of life - breath, water, nutrition, movement and life balance.
Each principle must precede the other for true health. Without breath, there is no life, but in part 1 we...
The 5 principles of life are: breath, water, nutrition, movement and life balance or stress management. This week, we discuss water.
Ah, water, the elixir of life. Think of yourself as water balloon. Everything about us involves water. Our blood is 90% water, brains 70% water. Every function in our body requires water. If we don’t have enough water in our system, a message gets sent to our brain to slow down metabolism. This affects our energy, brain function, digestion, elimination…. EVERYTHING we do. Our health is affected by how much water is in our...
The Mission Statement of my business is:
To provide a space of physical development, renewal and knowledge. To provide an exceptional experience in our community that promotes whole body health through the practice of Pilates, Fitness and Nutrition. These practices are based on the 5 principles of life: breath, water, nutrition, movment and life balance.
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